Sanitary Sewer Services

We carry out sewer treatment plant upgrade work

At Blackley Construction we have considerable experience installing sanitary sewer services, (sewer mains and laterals) in a wide range of sizes and configurations. This experience includes installation of pumped rising mains and the construction of pump chambers.

We have undertaken a number of new installations, as well as upgrades and repair work including the replacement of live mains.

We have laid pipes ranging from 100mm to 375mm but any size is possible and we are experienced with most pipe materials.

For larger more specialised projects such as community schemes and treatment plant upgrades we combine our own experience and skill with our well-established relationships with specialist subcontractors, material suppliers and consulting engineers to develop the complete package for your project.


At Blackley Construction we have experience with all types of reinstatement work including concrete, asphalt and turf repairs. We are also able to undertake new vehicle crossings and footpaths etc.

Pipe work from 100mm to 375mm
Rising mains and wet well construction
Sewer treatment plant upgrades
Community sewerage schemes
Surface reinstatement (concrete, asphalt, and grass)
213 Stoney Creek Road, RD10, Palmerston North, 4470

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