Number of turbines Turbine capacity Blade length Tower height
60 3.7MW 56m 69m

The Turitea wind farm will be the largest wind farm in New Zealand once completed. Located in the Tararua Ranges near Palmerston North, the wind farm sets out to avoid 818,000 tonnes of CO2 each year if the electricity from the site were to be generated from a coal-fired plant. It would avoid 382,000 tonnes of CO2 from gas fired generation.

The electricity generated from the site will power 118,000 New Zealand homes annually, or 370,000 electric vehicles, and is considered in the top 5% of wind farm sites globally. This contributes to a whopping 2% of New Zealand’s renewable annual generation!

This modern site was consented for in the early 2010’s, however with the upgrade in wind turbine and farm technology, the site will have more recent models installed – increasing the amount of electricity that can be generated from the site.

We loved working with the recent Turitea wind farm build and are proud to have contributed to New Zealand’s global narrative of being a clean, green energy supplying country.

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213 Stoney Creek Road, RD10, Palmerston North, 4470

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