Number of turbines | Turbine capacity | Blade length | Tower height |
31 | 3 MW | 45m | 65m |
The third stage of the Tararua wind farm began operation in 2007. We again delivered on the vital trenching and cabling – confident in knowing that our previous work has proven to be long-lasting and well-made.
The turbines in stage three would have the greatest MW capacity, nearly 5 times of the turbines built in stages one and two. With the final installation, the total annual power output would reach over 560GWh.
To put that into perspective, the number of Kiwi homes that would be served from all three stages of this project would equal 74,000 – over double the homes supported from stage one and two respectively.
The project was also carbon neutral after five months of operation, overall displacing 7,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions each year. It is expected that the three stages will offset over 6,000,000 tonnes of CO2 over its lifetime – to put this into perspective, this is equal to approximately 4,615 hectares of 102-year-old totara trees.
Imagine 4,615 rugby fields full of 102-year-old totara trees.
We’ll keep the rugby fields for the traditional Saturday games – rest assured knowing, that with our help, the Tararua wind farm is reducing the environmental footprint of New Zealand as well as servicing the equivalent of Palmerston North’s occupied dwellings twice over.
Now that’s something to smile about.